Friday 12 April 2013

General Research

I like this one as I feel that it relates well to my contents page, and also I like how the model takes up the whole page. The red "C" behind the text works here, but with a A, I don't think would be as effective and so this is a features that I will not be using. I like that there is a quote in red which stands out as I think that this is a feature which would draw the reader to read the article. Additionally the text in broken down into 3 columns.

This double page spread, like the previous one has got a quote which really stands out. Like the previous double page spread the text is has been broken down into 3 columns and so this is something that I will consider doing on my double page spread. 


This double page spread has got a clear title which I think looks really good on a double page spread and so this is something that I will be adapting for my double page. Furthermore the article is made up of questions and answers and I think this will work really well on my double page spread and so is something that I will definitely be considering.

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