Thursday 18 April 2013

What kind of media institution might ditribute your media product and why?

Recently there has been a clear advancement in technology and the impact upon printed magazines could have been detrimental, however although there has been a drop in sales of magazines, there is still demand for them. This means that I would still have to chose a distributor to distribute my magazine in order to make the most profit. While looking into distributors I must look into:
    • Their ease at meeting my target audience.
    • Their previous clients.
    • The success of the media products they currently distribute.
    • The type of media product they specialise in.

Therefore, overall I think that the company I would most like to distribute my music magazine would be Worldwide Magazine Distribution, as they have history with getting products to my target audience and this is one of the main things I would hope for. Additionally they are a world wide company, allowing for my music magazine to become as popular as possible and due to this they are likely to have links to do this.

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