Here the background takes too much of your focus and therefore, I could either photoshop the image or when I next take photos I could minimise the background. Also there is a peice of hair from my models fringe that will need to be sorted in the next photoshoot.
Here the lighting in the image is too dull, However I do like that the background of the image is just out of focus and thereofre prevents your attention being lost of the background.
Here the image is slightly blury and therefore when I take my next set of photographs I will have to ensure that I I keep the camera still.
In my next photoshoot I will have to ensure that my model does not look so confused. Furthermore the lighting in this image is too dull and makes the model look pale.
Here there is too much in the background and when I do my next photoshoot I will have to ensure that I zoom in more on the modle.
Here the pages in the book need to be joined together and also there needs to be less of a background.
Here the lighting is wrong as there is too much light coming in through the window and as a result I should have made my model crouch down a little.
Here the image is slightly too blury and needs to be zoomed in a bit to get rid of all the background.
this image is alot better than the one before and so the image just needs photoshopping to sort the white balance out.
There is a clear relationship between your research and your images. Well done