Tuesday, 16 April 2013

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products?

Before I even began work on my music magazine I did a significant amount of research so that I could be sure which type of music magazine I wanted to create and also the layout and essential features that needed to go on it. The research stage of all of the 3 pages that I created needed to be done so that I could create a magazine which was professional and so fit for purpose.

The top logo is the one from most of the research that I done and that was "Q" magazine. Therefore like "Q" magazine I wanted to create a logo which was unique and easily associated with my magazine. I also wanted to create a logo which could be easily self contained and I feel that I have achieved both of these with this logo. Unlike "Q" magazine I did not want to add in any colour as I didn't think that I had sufficient different features to do so without losing the professional look of the logo. Furthermore I wanted the name of my logo to be something easily recognisable as a music magazine, and I think I have definitely achieved this. "Q" magazine has got some text included in the logo to state that it is a music magazine, however I did not want this as I felt one word associated with music would have the same purpose and effect. Due to this I am very happy with how my logo has turned out.

Front Cover:

 The "Q" Magazine on the right is the main research which I took into consideration when designing and making the front cover of my music magazine. As you can see both models have similar coloured clothing, "Q" magazines being purple and my magazine being dark blue. Additionally these are both clothing expected of a singer and so appropriate for my type of magazine. For my contents page and double page spread I have used the same model and so I have again used clothing expected of a pop singer.

Contents Page:

On the left is my contents page and then in the top right hand corner is my inspiration for the image and some of the main features like the header. The second image on the right was my inspiration for the actual layout of the page as I felt that this contents page had been laid out in a professional way. Additionally the "Q" magazine staring Adele is all on one page and this is something that I wanted to reflect on my own contents page. I liked the image and the header on the contents page and so this is something that I took into consideration in order to ensure that I produced a professional looking contents page. Unlike the two professional contents page I have not included the logo on the page and this is because I felt that other features of the page clearly linked it to the front cover, and also the shape of my logo could not be placed in a suitable possible while keeping the professional look of the page. The way in which the articles are written on my contents page are very similar to that of the professional ones and so this also gives the page a professional look.

The header of my contents page is very similar to that of the "Q" contents page featuring Cheryl Cole, I made a conscious effort to make the colour of the header bright so that it gave of a positive anted upbeat feel, compared to the effect of a dull colour. The way in which I have written "contents" (top image) is completely different to that of both of these contents page and the reason behind this is because when I was doing my research I came across it written in this unique way and thought that it would further make my page differ from "Q" magazine which is where most of my inspiration came from.  

"Q" magazines double page contents page featuring Cheryl Cole, is what influenced the image seen on my contents page, and this is because I felt that the whole image was striking and something that would go with the themes of my magazine. While deciding upon clothing I made a conscience effort to dress my model in something while was striking and give her a strong look. Something which I think was successful. While photographing my model I tried the poses seen my Cheryl Cole, however I felt that the pose seen in my magazine fitted in better, yet the similarities are still there. However I decided to cut my image down and the purpose of this was so that I could use the same layout seen in the contents page featuring Adele.

Double Page Spread:
The image seen on the left was my main inspiration for the right hand page of my double page spread. This double page spread is from the same magazine as the Cheryl Cole contents page and they have used the same model in the same clothing which creates a clear link between the two pages. Therefore this link is something that I used to influence me when planning the look of my contents page and double page spread.
This image was the second page I looked at and used to influence me on how my page would look. The page of this that I really used to help me was the left hand page as I thought the top of the page would be a really good and appropriate way to start my double page spread. Additionally the way in which the article is laid out is through questions and answers and I felt that for my target audience this would be the most appropriate.  

On the right hand side is my double page spread and as you can see on the right hand page I have simply got an image of my model with a white background and nothing else around it, not even page numbers. I think this is effect in not drawing any attention away from the subject which is the model. On the left hand page I have taken most of my inspiration from the double page spread featuring Charlotte Church, and this was because I felt that the way in which the page starts is more appropriate for someone who is flicking through the pages as it creates more chance of them stopping and actually reading the article.


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